Thursday, July 30, 2009

Apply to Judge 2010/11

Hey Everyone,

Next year's Cambridge MBA application essays have just been released to allow candidates to prep before we open on 1st Sept....Let me know if you need any help

Monday, July 27, 2009

My interview @ Cambridge

Hey Guys n Gals!!! Its been long since I wrote on my blog... But keeping the promise I made to myself, here I am... Back again to share this fantastic journey I have embarked on....

Last I spoke about was the interview questions.... but I still have to share my personal experiences .... So here goes!!!

Gautam always says that after a certain point there is no point in preparing for an interview... either you know it or you dont.... in the end its not what you have to say , but rather how you say it that matters...and most importantly, they never ask/do (to) you what you've come prepared for...:)

When I heard that Dr. Jochen Runde is going to interview me himself...(for the ignorants> he is a great economist, who also happens to be the director at Judge)... I experienced for the first time the meaning of sweaty palms... Considering that I dont know the E of economics, I was hyperventilating for the correct reasons... And so the preparations began.... calls to almunini... internet search...magazines... newspapers... everything... I booked a huddle room in the office... wrote key points to all probable questions on the board... made a quick reference to all the websites opened on my laptop which provided supplement information... And then as the wise man (Gautam...did u read the para above)had said it himself, the unexpected happened...

Dr. Runde called me half an hour early and asked me politely if it was alright could we started a little early..... Did I have a choice?????? the question appeared rhetorical, the only answer was an obvious YES... And so the first bullet hit me... A question least expected > "First line of your essays reads - An Armed forces family background has endowed me with many advantages which a childhood spent amongst disciplined, committed and adaptable people naturally inculcates. What advantages are you talking about?"

2) What are the advantages of a military family background?

3) First line of your second essay reads - I believe my style of leadership is dominantly participative. What does that mean?

4) Looks like you want to be an enterpreneur, biz line is completely different from the defense line. How will you make the switch?

5) What can biz ppl learn from defense personnel & vice versa

6) Have you ever travelled to UK before?

Maybe I should have prepared for these questions, but I didnt.. Not once during the interview did I have to refer to my research work... My advise - Work on your strengths and read your essays carefully!!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Does anyone need GMAT books???

I have complete GMAT study material. Please contact me directly if you want it. It is available at a nominal price.

10th edition OG
11th edition OG
Princeton Review

Friday, April 17, 2009

Interview Questions

Hey Everyone,

I found a useful list of questions which are typically asked at any interview..... Review these questions and think about how you would answer them.....

Self Awareness

1. How would you describe yourself ?
2. Tell me about yourself ?
3. How do you think a friend or professor who knows you would describe you?
4. What motivates you to put forth your best effort ?
5. How do you determine or evaluate success ?
6. What academic subjects did you like best ? Least ?
7. What led you to choose the career for which you are preparing ?
8. What personal characteristics are necessary for succeeding in the career that you are interested in ?
9. What is your philosophy of life ?
10. Why have you switched career fields ?

Weaknesses / Negatives

1. What major problems have you encountered and how have you dealt with them ?
2. What have you learnt form your mistakes ?
3. What do you consider to be your greatest weakness ?
4. Did you ever have problems with your supervisor ?

Skills / Abilities / Qualifications

1. What do you consider to be your greatest strength ?
2. Are you creative/innovative ? Give an example.
3. What qualifications do you have that makes you think you will be successful ?
4. In what way do you think you can make a contribution to society?
5. Why should we take you ?
6. What are your own special abilities ?
7. Why should we take you over another candidate ?
8. What is your managing style ?
9. Why do you want to join this institute ?
10. What do you know about our institute ?


1. What is your attitude towards working hard ?
2. What part does your family play in your life ?
3. What are the most important rewards you expect in your career ?
4. What is more important to you : money offered, or the type of job ?
5. Do you enjoy independent research ?
6. In what kind of a work environment are you most comfortable ?
7. How would you describe the ideal job for you ?
8. What two or three things are most important to you in your job ?
9. Do you prefer working with others or all by yourself ?
10. How do you like to work ?
11. Under what conditions do you work best ?
12. What is the highest form of praise ?


1. In what part-time or summer job have you been most interested ?
2. Tell me about your experience.
3. What jobs have you held ?
4. How did your previous employer treat you ?
5. What have you learnt from some of the jobs that you have held ?
6. What jobs have you enjoyed most ? Least ? Why ?
7. What have you done that shows initiative and willingness to work ?
8. Describe your current job.
9. What did you like least about your last job ?
10. What did you like most about your last job ?

Goals / Objectives

1. What are your short-term and long-term goals and objectives ?
2. What specific goals other than those related to your occupation have you chosen for yourself for the next 10 years ?
3. What do you see yourself doing 5 years from now ?
4. What do you really want to do in life ?
5. How do you plan to achieve your career goals ?


1. How has your education prepared you for a career ?
2. Describe your most rewarding college experience.
3. Why did you select your college or university ?
4. If you could, would you plan your academic study differently ?
5. Do you think grades are a good indication of your academic achievement ?
6. What have you learnt from participation in extracurricular activities ?
7. Do you have plans for continuing your studies ?
8. Why did you pick your programme ?
9. What courses did you like best and why ?
10. What courses did you like least and why ?
11. How has your college experience prepared you for this job ?
12. How did you pick your dissertation ?
13. Describe your dissertation process.

1. What do you expect to earn in 5 years ?
2. What did you earn in your last job ?


1. What are your outside interests ?
2. What do you do with your free time ?
3. What are your hobbies ?
4. What types of books do you read ?
5. How interested are you in sports ?
6. How did you spend your vacations in school ?


1. What qualities should a successful manager possess ?
2. Describe the relationship that should exist between a supervisor and a subordinate.
3. What 3 accomplishments have given you the greatest satisfaction ?
4. If you were taking a graduate for this institute, what qualities would you look for ?
5. What can I do for you ?
6. Tell me a story.
7. Define cooperation.

Stress Questions

1. What causes you to lose your temper ?
2. How often have you been absent from school, work or training ?
3. Have you ever had trouble with other people on the job ?
4. Can you take instructions without getting upset ?
5. Don't you feel you are a little to old/young for this job ?
6. How does your family like you being away on business trips ?
7. With your background, we believe that you are overqualified to join this institute.
8. You haven't had sufficient experience in this field.
9. Our experience with women on this job has not been good.
10. What would irritate you most if I as a manager did it ?

Influencing Others

1. Tell me about the time you were most persuasive in overcoming resistance to your ideas or point of view.
2. Tell me about the last time someone made an unreasonable request of you.
3. Describe the most disappointing and frustrating experience in gaining the support of others for an idea or proposal.

Interpersonal Skills

1. Describe a situation where it was most important for you to display tact and diplomacy.
2. Tell me about the last time you had a clash or disagreement with someone at school/college/workplace.
3. Tell me about a time when you felt most frustrated and disappointed at a person with whom you had worked.

Personal Adaptability

1. Tell me about the last time you were criticized by a supervisor or a professor.
2. Tell me about the time when you felt most pressured or stressed at work/ school/internship.
3. Tell me about the time when you felt most frustrated at your school/workplace.
4. In what aspects of your work/internship do you have the most confidence in your abilities.

Communication Skills

1. Tell me about the time when you felt best about your ability to draw out or solicit information from another person.
2. Tell me about the time when you had to work your hardest in order to fully understand what another person was saying to you.
3. Describe the last time when someone at school/work misunderstood what you were trying to communicate.


1. Tell me about the most long term, sustained extra hours of effort that you put into your work/college/internship.
2. Describe a time when you felt most frustrated or discouraged in reaching your goals or objectives.
3. What do you feel has been your most significant work/school/internship related achievement within the past year or so ?
4. Describe the last time you did something well which went beyond the expectations in your work/internship.

Administrative Skills

1. Tell me how you go about organizing your work and scheduling your own time.
2. What do you do to ensure that your goals and objectives are met in a timely way ?
3. Describe the most extensive planning that you have ever done.

Problem Solving and Decision Making

1.Tell me about the most difficult problem that you faced in your work/school/internship ?
2.Tell me about the last time you made a decision that backfired.
3.Tell me about the time when you regretted most not getting advice before you went ahead ?

Conflict Management Skills

1. Tell me about the last significant crisis situation that you faced in your work.
2. Tell me about a time when you were most persuasive in overcoming resistance to your ideas.
3. Tell me about the time when you had a disagreement with someone at work.

Monday, April 13, 2009

MBA Apps Calendar Year

Words without actions are the assassins of idealism.

Ah ahem…. & this according to me is an ideal calendar year…. But if only things which are real matched the ideal……..

Jan.... Decided I want to go to phoran for the divine MBA experience
Feb.... Set a date for GMAT and joined Princeton review
Mar.... Princeton Review classes finish….. Research on colleges progress………online, friends, faculty, family etc etc
Apr.... Give GMAT….. God forbid score is pathetic…….(Oh God!!! Why me!!!! I scored more than this in all my mocks)…….
May.... Nevermind…….. I can do this again……
Jun.... Work piling up…..Office is not letting go
Jul.... Finally!!!! I have my dream score ( its less than what I had hoped but it will do ………[smile][smile])….. I have to start working on my essays from this week…..
Aug.... TOEFL Waiver sent…. Ensured that all the docs to be sent are in order………Work on essays is in progress….. draft 25th sent to Deepti for review……;)…… (after draft 5 I will charge money for my services)
Sep.... First Deadline arrives
Oct.... Deadline for second college…. Deadline for third college……. Will it ever end…….Search for scholarships and start filling up scholarship application forms
Nov.... My first intimation for interview arrives…..
Dec.... Yay!!!! I am through…………… I am going to Judge!!!!!


Moving on from the ideal world………. My GMAT year was extended from12 months to 16 months…….. and you will soon see why

June 2003…. I want to do MBA from phoran …. From the best …. From the top 20 only
Nov 2007…. Yay!!! Me n G finally tied the knot
Dec 2007…. Settled (n cleaned) my new house)
Jan 2008…. Joined Princeton review
March 2008…. GMAT scheduled n postponed
April 2008…. Strange GMAT incident happened (check blog ;) )
May 2008… Finally gave GMAT
August 2008…. Started working on my essays finally
September 2008….ISB deadline on 15th …. App sent after slaving for hours…. Left fro europe
October 1 2008….Came back from Europe …..Judge’s first deadline
October 24, 2008….Said’s deadline…..
November, 2008….ISB interview n offer
November 2008…..Judge Interview….. I politely told them I could not visit them in UK for professional reasons…. My interview was rescheduled for later
March 2009…. Judge telephonic interview ….. Deadline for all scholarships are over…… I am doomed to pay all the money through loan…..

Few Imp points missed

Few points I missed in my previous blogs…….

1) While shortlisting colleges please don’t forget the most important aspect $$$$$ or in my case £ £ £ £ …… that is whether the college is value for money or not……and the salary u can expect after u graduate…. Check FT ranking for the definition of “value for money”

2) One important aspect about GMAT…… to my knowledge, among the top B-schools in India GMAT scores are only accepted in ISB, Hyderabad…….so incase u plan to do ur MBA from India……. Forget GMAT & Start preparing for CAT!!!!!

3) When and If you think about giving your GMAT again……. Don’t delay it by more than 2 months, it breaks the rhythm and you will have to start your preparations from scratch again………

4) After colleges are shortlisted, download the application & prepare a table with the following columns
a. Name of college
b. Round 1 deadline
c. Documents required
d. Essay 1 topic
e. Essay 2 topic
f. Essay 3 topic
g. Any special requirement

can only think of these at the moment…….

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

TOEFL Waiver

ALERT : TOEFL results can be waived!!!! Ensure that you send the request to the admission office on time!!!!

My application to Judge

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I seek admission to the one year MBA program at Judge Business School. I am currently working as a Senior Program Manager with XYZ. I completed my Bachelor of Engineering degree from *** . *** is an Indian University where English is the language of instruction.

In addition, my experiences with the English language (work and education), which will support my request for waiver are listed below:

1. 6 years work experience with XYZ and ZXY, where official communication language is English.
2. 16 years of Education, both in school and college was in English.
3. Extensive interaction with my colleagues in Europe, specially UK , as a part of my profile at XYZ
4. GMAT score of _____ in 2008.
5. ILETS score of _____ in 2003.

I request you to extend a TOEFL waiver for my application to Cambridge University.

Thank you.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Strange GMAT Incident

On the GMAT site it says :

“On occasion, weather conditions or other circumstances beyond the test administrator's control may require a delayed start or the rescheduling of your test appointment. If technical problems necessitate canceling your test session or prevent reporting of your scores, you will either be offered the opportunity to schedule another test appointment free of charge or receive a full refund of the original test fee. These remedies are the exclusive remedies available to examinees affected by technical problems”

The night before the GMAT, I was going through the site to ensure that I have followed everything to T. I came across this para and I wondered for a second what would happen if I encounter a technical problem that day.

Then, I went to check my GMAT test ID online. That’s when I discovered a strange thing. My test ID was not there……. It said that I had cancelled my exam. I was baffled. It was 2230hrs and I could not call the helpdesk to ask. I refused to panic. My exam was scheduled for next day at 1330hrs. I checked my credit card statement and the money was not refunded. I could not sleep the whole night wondering what had happened. Next day I woke up at 0600hrs to call up the Australia helpdesk number. They are 5 ½ hours ahead of Indian Standard time. The person who took my call checked their records. Rest-assured the money had been debited, but he had no clue how the system had cancelled my exam. …..:)…… He told me that I cannot take the exam that day but he will check with his supervisor as to what should be the next step. In the history of GMAT, this had apparently happened for the first time!!!!

I called and called and called. Finally after several days I was asked whether I wanted my money to be refunded or should they reschedule my exam with no extra cost (obviously!!!!). Again……Obviously!!!........ ;)….. I asked them to reschedule my exam.

That’s my strange incident with GMAT.
Apparently, what had never happened before happened to me. 

Please note

Please note that when you read an “I” somewhere in my blog, it would normally mean a “We” or “D+G”….. and at times "more of G than D”…….:)

GMAT & Princeton Review

Go to to answer all your queries regarding GMAT. This will also help u schedule a date for GMAT.

Remember, GMAT is an important consideration for applying to a MBA program, but it is not the only important consideration. If your luck fizzles out on that day, don’t worry. Give it again if you want. Else, try to work on your essays to ensure that you play your other strengths well.

Ensure you are done with you GMAT by August. That will give u sufficient time to polish your essays and send official scores to different colleges. My first deadline was September 15th ISB.

Re-taking GMAT
Below 600 > If you luck-out on GMAT day, I would realistically ask you to re-take GMAT. Specially if you are aiming for the top 20. Work on your weak points, revise your OG and give lots n lots of tests in the real GMAT environment (AC, closed room, no phones etc)
Between 600- 640 > you have a long shot but u might just make it if you are really strong on other areas. For an Indian IT male, chances are slimmer than others. There are enough out there with better scores, you might have to re-take the exam.

Shortlist Colleges
Ensure you have decided on 5 colleges by the day of your exam. You can send your score free to these colleges. Later you will have to shell out money to do so.

Please please please don’t be irresponsible and forgetful. Take your passport to the exam center. They will NOT let you to take the exam without it.

Princeton Review
Personally, I knew I needed a sword to hang over my head to prepare earnestly. I estimated that I need roughly 3 months to study. Therefore, I scheduled a date and then enrolled in Princeton review classes, Gurgaon, India. They may be other institutes offering more tests or classes but Princetone review is definitely superior. In retrospect, I think it was wise to join Princeton review. With my hectic work/social calendar it was not possible to study each day. With weekend classes, I had no choice but to take out time and finish my assignments and give sample tests. :) The money was definitely well invested in my future. The course material is exhaustive. And one does not have to buy and study anything beyond what Princeton Review has to offer. They have a rotating faculty concept. So each faculty member has to teach at most of the coaching institutes around NCR. Plus they are made to give actual GMAT exams each year. My Verbal Coach – Ruchi had doing M.Tech in Aeronautical Engineering and had secured a place in NASA to be taken up sometime in 2009. She had scored 800, 800 and 780. When she got 780 she had to undergo re-training to ensure her standards don’t fall :P. Similarly for our Maths Coach – Shruti. She got perfect scores for three years running. That is the level of facult @Princeton Review.

Preparation Tips

1) Relax - GMAT is not a difficult test
2) Three months of preparation is normally sufficient
3) Practice OG well
4) Undertake a lot of Practice tests in real time environment (AC room, no interruptions, no phone)

Online Tests

Short listing MBA colleges

This is an intense exercise……. A lot of factors have to be taken into account…….. I will explain my reasons for selecting Judge………

1)Ranking > Although MBA rankings aren't the only measure of a good MBA school but they are certainly a good indicator. I researched colleges which were consistently in top 20 (Financial times)….. There were other rankings like Business week etc as well
2)Time > I was only keen on one year programs , therefore USA was ruled out immediately
3)Course > Some colleges are great in Finance, some in marketing (HEC), some in entrepreneurship (IE, Judge) so on and so forth……. I looked into courses for enterprneurship, so here I am……
4)Practical teaching/learning style> electronic text books, Chance to learn practically thorough Cambridge venture projects, global consulting projects and individual projects (learn more on Judge website)
5)Alumni > Needless to say Cambridge has a huge alumni network 
6)Cambridge Business Networks > Silicon Fern, Cambridge University Enterprise, Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL), Cambridge-MIT Institute Venture, Cambridge Enterprise, Cambridge Network, Cambridge Programme for Industry (learn more on Judge website)
7)International Diversity > Out of 150 students, there are 50 nationalities

Enough???? :) …….Besides, Judge I had applied to ISB & Said……

Now for those considering non-US colleges in FT Top 20….. “my opinion” is

1)IE is a great college…… Spanish might be a problem……… But take it as a chance to learn a new language…….. very strong on entrepreneurship again…….Asian influence low
2)IESE - It's a two year program and very expensive
3)HEC – 16 month program, great in marketing
4)INSEAD – immense diversity, great college
5)Ceibs – Don’t know
6)ISB - I had an admit offer from them, but chose Judge for reasons listed above….
low on diversity … India factor…. placements have been bad this year…….. last week “my sources” told me that only 40% of the current batch was placed…..
7)IMD – awesome college…….. just 90 students batch…… highly diverse ……
8)Hong Kong UST Business School – don’t know
9)LSB – great program, but long and very expensive

In the end, I would suggest that you apply to only 3-5 colleges....... each application requires a lot of effort and after 5 applications (gawd! i nearly died with just 3) you might not have it in you to give your best.....

one flies as high as one aims, but dont forget to be realistic about your chances....

First Step - Decide if you want to do a MBA or not

Yep….. this is first n the foremeost step……… for an Indian, engineer & IT background MBA is a natural step towards career progression…….But if you are not the typical Indian IT geek, I suggest that you explore all options before you decide………. applying/ for a MBA program is not cakewalk…….and the actual MBA program is even more gruesome....

Everyone need to understand that if after graduation doing masters is a MAJOR decision one takes……………. then after 5-7 years of professional life, marriage n maybe kids doing masters is a LIFE CHANGING decision…….. So be absolutely sure!!!!

Take your time and think about it!!!!